Mae meddwl am y nefol fro I mi'n hyfrydwch lawer tro; O! na b'ai'r munyd o fwynhâd Yn oesoedd mewn dragwyddol wlad. 'R wyf am gael profi dàn fy mron Dystiolaeth o fy hawl yn hon; Cael profi'r gwynfyd pur, di-lŵth - Digonedd heb ddigoni byth. 'D yw oesoedd byd mo'r munyd awr Wrth oesoedd tragwyddoldeb mawr: O fewn i'r diderfynol dir Bydd cartref f'enaid cyn b'o hir. - - - - - Mae meddwl am y nefol fro Yn dwyn hyfrydwch lawer tro; Beth am oesoedd o fwynhâd O bresenoldeb Duw ein Tad. [DT] 'Rwy' am gael profi dàn fy mron, Dystiolaeth o fy hawl i hon; Cael rhan o'r gwynfyd pur, dilith, Digonedd heb ddigoni byth. [DT] Pan deimlwyf lewyrch wyneb Duw, Pan allwyf ddweyd mai f'eiddo yw; Lawr dan fy nhraed 'r wy'n sathru'r byd, A'i fawredd a'i bleserau i gyd. [DD] Os hyfryd yw, mewn anial wlad, Gael trem o bell ar dŷ fy Nhad; Hyfrydwch fydd yn llys y nef, Gymdeithas agos hoff âg Ef. [DT] - - - - - Mae meddwl am y nefol fro I mi'n hyfrydwch lawer tro; O! am gael munud o'r mwynhâd Sy'n fythol mewn tragwyddol wlad! 'Rwyf am gael profi dàn fy mron, Dystiolaeth o fy hawl yn hon; Cael profi'r gwynfyd pur, dilŷth, - Digonedd heb ddigoni byth! - - - - - Myfyrio am y nefol fro Sy'n dwyn dyddanwch lawer tro; Beth am bob mynyd o fwynhad - Yn oesoedd, mewn trag'wyddol wlad. 'Rwyf am gael profi dan fy mron, Dystiolaeth o fy hawl i hon, Cael ran o'r gwynfyd pur, dilŷth, Digonedd heb ddigoni byth!David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822
Tonau [MH 8888]:
gwelir: |
Thinking about the heavenly region is For me a delight many a time; O that there might be a minute of enjoyment In the ages in an eternal country. I want to get to experience under my breast A witness of my right in that; To get to experience the pure, unfailing bliss - Sufficiency without ever sufficing. The ages of the world are not the minute of an hour Against the ages of a great eternity: Within the boundless land Shall my soul's home before long. - - - - - Thinking about the heavenly region is Bringing delight many a time; What about ages of enjoyment Of the presence of God our Father. I want to get to experience under my breast, Evidence of my right to this; To get a portion of the pure, unfailing blessedness, Sufficiency without ever being sated. When I feel the radiance of God's face, When I can say that mine he is; Down under my feet I am trampling the world, And it's greatness and all its pleasures. If delightful it is, in a desert land, To get a sight from afar over my Father's house; Delight there shall be in the court of heaven, Close, dear fellowship with him. - - - - - Thinking about the heavenly region is To me delightful many a time; Oh to get a minute of enjoyment Which is everlasting in an eternal land! I want to get an experience under my breast, The testimony of my right in this; To get to experience the pure, unfailing blessedness, - Sufficiency without satisfying ever! - - - - - Meditating about the heavenly region Is bringing comfort many a time; What about every minute of enjoyment - In ages, in an eternal land. I want to get to experience under my breast, Evidence of my right to this, To get a portion of the pure, unfailing blessedness, Sufficiency without ever being sated!tr. 2016,20 Richard B Gillion |